Saturday, 11 February 2012

And that...

... Dear reader is what I read in 2011.

And dear me, there was some rubbish in there. I honestly did mean to read a Trollope, but damn it, those books are long, and to be honest the logical next book (Phinneus Redux) does not exactly inspire me. I rather enjoyed the first Palliser novel, but the central character of Phinneas Finn did not engage, and a whole book of him trotting back from whatever bog he wound up in? Might be better starting Barchester?

The thing I rarely commented on is format. Almost everything I read in 2011 I read as an ebook. Even books I bought on paper were often read after I downloaded copies. Yes, some books were torrented, though not all, and I'm perfectly happy to defend the idea that downloading a book you have a perfect right to read, so that it can be read in your preferred format is no more theft than copying a CD to your iPod.

I've fallen a bit behind. Writing this in early February I've read more since, and I'm havering slightly over whether to blog them. The odd thing, now that I think about it is how non-genre the 2012 reading has been. One of the things I was consciously doing last year was not to read multiple books by the same author, so I was sort of expecting to have read the same writers next novels by now. Nope. No overlap. They will come. Sir Terry's most recent is next on the list.

Thinks: as far as I know no-one reads this blog. If at least one person comments saying they do, and they'd like me to carry on, I will.


Jane Williams said...

I read it because there was a link on FB - without that, I'd never have known it existed.

decombustion said...

As your second acknowledged reader of the afternoon, I'd like you to carry on please. I especially liked the 'professional fanfic' post - agree entirely (and don't bother with Pride and Prejudice & Zombies - the zombies are okay, but the author plants chipmunks in the middle of an English lane). Oh, and yes, Barchester is far more fun (and the early Irish ones unexpectedly gritty).